Nootropics, the name given to a broad class of so-called “cognitive-enhancing” supplements, are all the rage these days from the gym to the boardroom, from the classroom to the work place. Programmers in Silicon Valley like nootropics because they’re said to increase productivity and sharpen focus without the intensity or side effects of a prescription drug like Modafinil.

These nootropics, or supplements for the brain, are making waves in the fitness industry as well. Lifting weights or being on the treadmill might seem like a physical pursuit, but your mind has a massive influence on your muscles and your mindset. Without enough motivation and drive, you won’t be able to push for that extra set or that extra mile, or even make it to the gym altogether.

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If you’ve ever had a cup of coffee or Red Bull before heading to the gym, you know the positive impact caffeine can have on your energy level and overall workout. However, caffeine is just one ingredient in a broad category of supplements called nootropics that may boost your brain power and increase focus while reducing fatigue. These major benefits of nootropics are not only helpful in the gym but also very valuable and advantageous outside the gym.

Neuroprotective Brain Nutrients and Antioxidants

Too often we focus on food for the body while we neglect the vital nutrients and antioxidants that are crucial for the brain to be healthy and to operate at optimum level. Not all nutrients and antioxidants for the brain are equal. We need nutrients and antioxidants for the brain that have neuroprotective qualities. Why? Our brain operates under tremendous amount of activity and stress. The brain needs extra neuroprotection not only to fight against free radical and oxidative cell damage but also to mitigate and to reduce the declines in cognitive function, memory, energy, and passion that are brought on with age.

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Depression, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, dementia, and other neurological diseases have demonstrated shocking disparities between a healthy brain and a brain with these conditions. The differences are very stark particularly when we examine the neurotransmitters, neurons, and synapses in the brain.

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Although the reasons and causes for these diseases are still debated by many doctors and researchers, one thing that’s clear is that we need to take better care of our brain. Too often, we have neglected our brain’s health and well-being. Besides possible neurological diseases, we cannot perform at optimum level. It’s time to really take care of our brain. The journey to better brain health, increase productivity, and happier life starts here.

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Enhancing Daytime Performance

Cerebral PRIME enhances Neurotransmitters which increase Mental and Physical Performance – mental speed, focus, motivation, energy, data processing, and physical reaction time. Cerebral PRIME contains powerful neuroprotective brain nutrients and antioxidants that can improve not only brain health but also cognitive function, memory, concentration, mood, creativity, endurance, and anti-fatigue, so you can push further, go higher, and achieve much more!

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Why do we focus on so many areas for enhancing mental and physical performance? Simply because improving one aspect of performance while neglecting another area is just not good enough for us. Having energy is not good enough without focus and concentration on achieving the desired goals and results. Making resolutions or having a plan is not good enough without the motivation and drive to execute and to follow through. Carrying out actions and activities without the proper mood and attitude is simply no good and no fun at all. Oftentimes, missing just one or two of any of these aspects of performance can be the difference between success and failure.

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Mental & Cognitive Function

When people supplement with Cerebral PRIME per the directions, they feel the positive effects on mental and cognitive functions such as enhanced focus, attention, concentration, and memory. They feel that their thoughts are smoother and more connected which help to foster creativity. More connected thoughts also make it easier to find the right words to speak and to communicate. As for better memory, say goodbye to walking into a room and forgetting why you went in there in the first place.

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Physical & Thermogenesis

Physically, they feel more energy, alertness and faster reaction time. They also feel improvements in endurance while experiencing less fatigue (due to our proprietary blend containing the best anti-fatigue aiding ingredients). By reducing fatigue, one can work longer and more efficiently. Less fatigue also promotes a safer work environment. Who wouldn’t want to have more energy, endurance, and efficiency while fostering a safer work environment? Besides all these, Cerebral PRIME’s proprietary formula contains ingredients that enhance thermogenesis to help increase metabolism to burn more body fat.

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Mood Status & Stress

Furthermore, people feel an improvement in their mood status and are better able to deal with stress and anxieties of life. Stress and anxiety can negatively impact one’s mood, mindset, attitude, and cognitive functions. Don’t let stress bring you, your mood, and your performance down.

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Motivation & Drive

Even with all these enhancements, we can still procrastinate and put things off. Oftentimes, procrastination not only robs us of our time and opportunities but also makes a seemingly simple task become much more time-constrained and difficult. With Cerebral PRIME, people feel an increase in motivation and drive, and a renewed sense of focus towards goal-oriented tasks and activities. There is a great sense of satisfaction in creating a “to-do” list every day and then checking it off one by one. Here are the first to-do’s on your list: get Cerebral PRIME and Cerebral SLEEP, create a “to-do” list every day, and then start checking things off the list and smile.

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Enhancing REM Sleep & Deep Sleep

Let’s now talk about sleep, since much of our health and performance are built on the foundation of sleep. When we don’t get enough sleep or have poor quality of sleep, we feel the difference right away. We are more tired, groggy, moody, slow mentally, and sluggish physically; we have less energy, focus, concentration, motivation, and drive. We start the day at non-optimum level. In order words, we are not performing at our best state. Why start the daily race further and further behind? Besides performance, lack of sleep or poor quality of sleep is detrimental to brain health and overall physical health. Getting enough sleep is crucial to having good health and performance. However, what if we can achieve better quality of sleep and get more out of sleep? What if we can improve brain health and physical health while we sleep? This is exactly why Cerebral SLEEP was created. Cerebral SLEEP enhances REM Sleep and Deep Sleep so you can get more out of your sleep. REM sleep consolidates memory and rejuvenates the brain while Deep sleep heals and revitalizes the body.

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Bodily Healing & Immune System

Cerebral SLEEP’s proprietary formula enhances Deep sleep, also known as delta sleep. Human growth hormone is released in pulses during deep sleep, and the interruption of this stage abruptly stops its release. Growth hormone promotes cell repair which is necessary for wound healing (e.g. injuries, surgery), recovery of sore muscles, and muscle growth after a workout.

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Besides growth hormone, many studies show that people who don’t get enough quality sleep are more likely to have weaker immune systems and to get sick more often. Lack of sleep also affects how fast we recover when we do get sick. During sleep, the body makes more white blood cells that attack viruses and bacteria, and our immune system releases proteins called cytokines which need to increase when we have an infection, inflammation, or under stress. Sleep deprivation decreases the production of these protective cytokines as well as infection-fighting antibodies and cells. Thus, getting enough deep sleep is essential for the body to heal, to recover, to recharge, and to grow.

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Memory & Brain Rejuvenation

Cerebral SLEEP’s proprietary formula enhances REM sleep, or rapid eye movement sleep. Why is REM sleep so important? Research suggests that sleep, especially REM sleep, helps learning and memory in two distinct ways. First, a sleep-deprived person cannot focus attention optimally and therefore cannot learn efficiently. Second, during REM sleep, the brain replenishes neurotransmitters that organize neural networks essential for remembering, learning, performance and problem solving.

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Research suggests sleep spindles fire away as the temporal lobe makes sense of new information and stores it in long-term memory. However, sleeping fewer than six hours or not getting enough REM sleep may block sleep spindles and stop new information from entering long-term memory. Besides memory, REM sleep boosts alertness, focus, motivation, will power, vigilance, and creativity. Getting enough REM sleep is a key component when trying to achieve goals – whether it’s healthier eating, more exercise, quitting smoking, improving relationships or getting ahead at work.

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Mental Well-Being & Weight Loss

When we toss and turn all night, chances are good that we will wake up feeling not as refreshed as we want and more irritable and cranky than we want to be. Lack of sleep or poor sleep quality increases the body’s reaction to stress. Sleep isn’t just good for our mood and outlook on life, it is good for our mental health and psychological well-being. Research in the journal SLEEP showed that people who were able to get enough quality sleep had fewer symptoms of depression than those who did not. A study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that women who slept better also had more sexual desire.

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On top of this, good quality sleep helps our waistline. A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that people ate an average of nearly 300 fewer calories per day when they were well-rested. Scientists are discovering that a part of the brain that controls sleep also plays a role in appetite and metabolism (thermogenesis). When there is not enough quality sleep, the body makes more ghrelin and less leptin. Ghrelin is a hunger hormone, and leptin is a hormone that tells you when you’re full. People who don’t get enough sleep are more likely to make poor food choices, eat more, and gain more weight.

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Anti-Aging & Longer Life

As mentioned above, during the Deep sleep stage, the body repairs and regrows tissue, builds bone and muscle, and strengthens the immune system. As we get older, we sleep more lightly and get less deep sleep although studies show we still need as much deep sleep as when we were younger. The shorter time spans of sleep are linked to aging, especially premature aging. Thus, one major way that we can fight against aging, especially premature aging, is to get more deep sleep which releases human growth hormone to aid with repairing and growing tissue.

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Besides being more susceptible to illness as aforementioned, poor sleep quality increases risk of obesity, high blood pressure, blood vessel (cardiovascular) disease, heart disease, diabetes, and many other conditions that can be life threatening. Lack of quality sleep can cause drowsiness and reduce reaction time which can lead to accidents at the workplace or while driving. Needless to say, getting good quality REM and Deep sleep with Cerebral SLEEP is not only good for combating aging and illness but also good for your mind, heart, health, life and longevity.

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Enhancing Sleep & Daytime Performance

Cerebral PRIME and Cerebral SLEEP proprietary formulas contain powerful neuroprotective brain nutrients and antioxidants that improve brain health and increase both mental and physical performance. Cerebral PRIME and Cerebral SLEEP work synergistically to complement each other with improving performance and brain health.

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Cerebral SLEEP enhances REM sleep and Deep sleep so that we can get more out of sleep. While we sleep, the body heals, recovers, recharges, and replenishes, while the brain consolidates memory and is being rejuvenated. With Cerebral SLEEP, we wake up feeling refreshed and ready for the day. Cerebral SLEEP lays an essential foundation on which Cerebral PRIME builds upon. Cerebral PRIME increases daytime performance by enhancing motivation, focus, energy, memory, mood, creativity, endurance, and anti-fatigue. Cerebral PRIME enhances neurotransmitters which improve cognitive function, data processing, mental speed, and physical reaction time.

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Passion & Productivity

With all these different enhancements working together from both Cerebral PRIME and Cerebral SLEEP, people don’t just feel better mentally and physically, they are more capable of performing at their very best – with their studies, tests, workouts, meetings, work, hobbies, etc. They can feel a renewed sense of passion and energy which helps them to be more productive and to get things done! Even free time is more relaxing and fulfilling knowing that they have accomplished more lately with Cerebral PRIME and Cerebral SLEEP. A Healthier Brain is a Happier Life!

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Let Cerebral PRIME & Cerebral SLEEP help you!

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